Ethereum: How to send ether to a smart contract constructor hard coded in the test case without using the Value field in the Remix IDE

I can provide you with an article on how to send an ether to a smart constructor of the contract in Remix without using a value field.

sending ether to a smart constructor of the contract in Remix

When working with smart contracts, it is crucial to ensure that you are sending an ether to the correct address of your contract. This is often achieved by installing a test package that allows you to ridicule a contract constructor and place its arguments before launching tests. However, when you want to send an ether directly to the contract without using a value field or any other external method, you will need to use a combination of code and configuration.

In this article, we will investigate two approaches to the sending of an ether smart constructor of the contract in Remix: the one who uses the TX card within the remix goes and the other that includes the installation of a test package with a ridicule contract.

Access 1: Using a tx tx in remix

The TX card is a powerful tool in a remix that allows you to send transactions directly from your test case. To use this approach, follow these steps:

  • Open your test case in Remix.

  • Click on the “Action” menu and select “create a transaction”.

  • In the new window, click the icon “+” next to the contract address.

  • Type 0x ... (Replace the actual address of the smart contract in which you want to send the ether), followed by a desire.

  • Set the “gas limit” to a reasonable value and add any other field required, such as “From”: “0x …”.

Access 2: Setting a test apartment with a riddled contract

Alternatively, you can install a test apartment using a ridicule contract instead of sending an ether directly from your test case. Here’s an example:


Import {Ethers} from ‘Ether’;

// Imports of MockContract Classes

Const MockContract = demand (‘./ Mockcontract’);

// Create a new instance of mockconcatact constructor

Const Treaty = ‘0x …’;

Const bytecode = ‘0x …’;

Const Gaslimit = 200000; // Set the desired gas limit

// Define the test function

Testsendether function () {{)

try {

const ether = ether.utils.parseunits (1, ‘ether’);

Console.log (Try to send $ {ether.value} ether to a contract $ {Treaty inDDress});

// Use the Constructor of Instance Mockconantract to create a new contract object

Const Treaty for contract = new MockContract (contracts, Bytecode, Gaslimit);

// Set the contract arguments (eg nonce)

Const nonce = ether.utils.touint64 (1); // Replace the desired without value

// Send an ether to a contract using a constructor

Contracting.sendtransation ({from: ‘0x …’, nonce});

Console.log (‘Test passed!’);

} capture (error) {

Console.error (error);



// Start the test function

Testsendether ();


In this example, we create a new instanceMockcontractand set its constructor to include the desired Bytekod and gas limit. We then use the constructor of this instance to send an ether to a contract using a sendtransation method.


Sending an ether to a smart constructor of the contract without the use of a value field or any other external method can be achieved through both approaches listed in this article. The choice of access depends on your specific requirements and preferences. If you need greater control over the transaction process, the first approach may be appropriate. However, if you prefer a more direct solution with a smaller code, setting up a test apartment with a riddled contract is an excellent option.

additional resources

For additional information about the use of Remix’s card TX or creating test apartment with ridiculed contracts, I recommend checking the following resources:

  • Remix documentation: [

  • Ethereum documentation: [ trouble (https: // Ethereum.

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