Ethereum: How do I compute merkle root for genesis block?

Calculating Merkle Roots on Ethereum: A Step-by-Step Guide

Ethereum: How do I compute merkle root for genesis block?



Ethereum is a decentralized, open-source blockchain platform that allows developers to create and deploy smart contracts. One of the fundamental aspects of the Ethereum network is its consensus mechanism, which is based on the creation of blocks containing a set of transactions. In this article, we will learn how to calculate the Merkle root for a genesis block in a standalone pure C application.

What are genesis blocks?


A genesis block is the first block in a blockchain and is used as a starting point for all subsequent blocks. The genesis block contains metadata about the blockchain and its initial state. To create a genesis block, we need to calculate the Merkle root of the transactions included in that block.

Merkle Roots


A Merkle root is a digital fingerprint that represents the set of transactions included in a block. It is calculated by taking the SHA-256 hash of each transaction and then combining them using bitwise operations. The resulting hash serves as the Merkle root for the block.

Calculating the Merkle Root of the Genesis Block in C


Here is an example C code snippet that shows how to calculate the Merkle root for a Genesis block:



// Structure to represent a transaction

typedef struct {

uint256 value; // Transaction data (e.g. account balance, amount of assets)

} Transaction;

// Function to calculate Merkle root using SHA-256

uint256 get_merkle_root(const Transaction* transactions) {

uint256 hash;

SHA256_CTX sha256;


for (int i = 0; i < transactions->value.size(); i++) {

const char* data = transactions->[i].bytes;

uint8* bytes = new uint8[data];

SHA256_Update(&sha256, data, i + 1);

hash = SHA256_Final(bytes, &sha256);

delete[] bytes;


return hash;


int main() {

// Genesis Block Transactions Example

Transaction transactions[2] = {

{0x00000000, 0x12345678}, // Account Balance: 10 Ether

{0x00000001, 0x90123456} // Asset Amount: 5 units


// Calculate the Merkle Root for the Genesis Block

uint256 merkle_root = get_merkle_root(transactions);

printf("Genesis Block Merkle Root: %s\n", hex_string(merkle_root, 64));

return 0;


This code snippet calculates the Merkle Root for a simple Genesis Block containing two transactions. The get_merkle_root function takes an array of transactions as input and uses SHA-256 to compute the Merkle root.

Note that this is just an example implementation and you may need to modify it to fit your specific use case.



Computing the Merkle root for a genesis block in a standalone pure C application can be accomplished by computing the SHA-256 hash of each transaction and then combining them using bitwise operations. This process consists of the following steps:

  • Initialize the SHA-256 context.
  • Iterate through each transaction, updating the context with the transaction data.
  • Convert each byte to a uint8 pointer and update the context.
  • Finalize the computation by returning the resulting hash.

By following this approach, you can create a pure C application that computes the Merkle root for genesis blocks independently, without relying on reference client libraries or other external dependencies.


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