Eretheum API ERROROROREUM UNDIVE: Problem Social Guide
As a creator, it is very important to know about possible mistakes that can happen when interacting with external APIs, such as Binance API. In this article, we will investigate the details of the error message and provide actions to solve similar problems.
Error Message Explanation
Error Code -1013: File Failure: Price_filter shows the data filter problem before submitting API BINANS request. That's what every part of the code means:
- Apierror (code = -1013)
: This is API specific error message containing errors information.
- File failure: Price_filter
: This is the specific cause of the error that is related to the filtration data in this case.
Potential reasons
When you meet the -1013 error code, there are some possible reasons:
- Insufficient or inaccurate filtration parameters : API may not be able to accurately filter the required information due to inappropriate or missing parameters.
- API version of inconsistent : Binance may have changed its API versions since you last used it and causing compatible problems with your query.
- Limit or Quota Restriction exceeds : Binans may have reached the limit restrictions or exceed its quoted quotes during a particular operation, resulting in a mistake.
Solve the steps
To solve the -1013 error code and similar problems, do the following:
- Check your parameters : Make sure all the necessary filters and parameters are transferred to Create_order ().
- Restrictions increase the rate or check the quotas : If you exceed the existing quota of a specific operation, consider increasing it before entering further requests.
To show how to treat this error, we give a modified example using Python:
Import a request
Help your API credentials and parameters
symbol = “et”
API_KEY = “Your_api_Key”
API_SECRET = “Your_api_Secret”
Make a binary library’s binans instance
Customer = binance.client (API_KEY = API_KEY, API_SECRET = API_SECret)
Define your order settings
Order_type = “Market”
Side = “Thread”
or “Pick”
Sum = “100”
adapt to the quantity you want
Submit an order request with appropriate filtration parameters
Order = Customer.create_order (
symbol = symbol,
Type = Order_type,
side = half,
amount = amount,
Limit_price = no,
if necessary, set a limited price
Indicate the error
If code == -1013:
Print (Filter Failure: Price_filter)
Answer = Order.Send ()
Print (Answer.json ())
Without a request.Exception.requestexception as e:
Print (F “Error sending request: {e}”)
In this example, we have implemented copies of binary binary libraries and defined the order parameters. We then create an “order” object using API and try to send it to the appropriate filtration parameters (in this case there is no limited price). If the error code is -1013, we record the exception and print a friendly error message.
As part of these actions and understanding of the possible causes of errors such as -1013 code, you can improve your ability to solve the problem using API Binance.