Metamask: I need someone to explain how to transfer a polygon to a smart contract using solidity using a function

Metamask: A Step-by-Step Guide to Transferring Polygon Tokens to a Smart Contract

As a Polygon (formerly Matic) blockchain developer, you’ve probably encountered issues transferring tokens from your wallet to a smart contract using Metamask. Don’t worry; in this article, we’ll walk you through the process of creating and executing a function that sends Polygon tokens to your contract.


Before proceeding, make sure you have the following:

  • You have a MetaMask wallet set up on your mobile device.
  • Your smart contract is implemented on the Polygon blockchain (Polygon.js or Remix).
  • The Subscribe function is defined in your contract and is accessible outside of the contract.

Step 1: Create a new function

In your contract, create a new function that will take Polygon tokens as input and send them to your wallet:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract My contract {

// Define token amount and recipient address

uint256 public amount;

public recipient address;

// Function to subscribe to polygon tokens

function subscribe(uint256 amount, recipient address) public {

require(amount > 0, "Amount must be greater than zero");

require(recipient != address(0), "Recipient must be a valid address");

// Transfer tokens to contract wallet

(bool success, ) = payable.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);

if (!success) {

console.log("Transfer failed");




Step 2: Define the Subscribe function

In the MetaMask settings, add a new function with the following properties:

  • Name

    Metamask: Please I need someone to explain to me how to transfer polygon matic to a smart contract using solidity through a function

    : subscribe

  • Function name: .subscribe
  • Library: polygon.js (or remix)
  • Args: uint256(amount, address(recipient))

The amount argument should be the token amount you want to send, and the recipient argument is the address of your contract wallet.

Step 3: Test the function

  • Open Metamask on your mobile device.
  • Select “Connect” > “Add to MetaMask” or use an existing account.
  • In your MetaMask wallet, connect to your Polygon blockchain account (Polygon.js or Remix).
  • Go to your contract page and click on the Subscribe function.
  • Enter a token amount (e.g. 1 Mumbai) and specify the recipient address (your contract wallet).

Expected outcome

After calling the subscribe function, you should see a success message in the console indicating that the tokens have been transferred to your contract wallet.

By following these steps, you have successfully created a new function to send polygon tokens to your smart contract using Metamask. Don’t forget to update your contract code accordingly to accommodate the new function.

Tips and variations

  • To handle errors more robustly, consider adding additional checks or logging mechanisms.
  • You can also add input validation for other parameters (e.g. amount should be a positive integer).
  • For more advanced use cases, you may want to explore using external libraries such as Web3.js or ethers.js to simplify token transactions.

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